As you may imagine, the placing of a dental implant requires precision accuracy and a great deal of skill. Richard Miller-White utilises specialist software called NobelClinician™ to help deliver the kind of results that he and his patients expect.
NobelClinician™ is a software package that only a select few dentists in the UK use. It allows Richard to diagnose and plan treatments with incredible accuracy. Very often, Richard will send patients for a CT Scan to get the most accurate representation of your teeth and jaw. A CT Scan will provide high resolution 3D images.
Using NobelClinician™, Richard is able to place ‘virtual implants’ and enable him to make adjustments before he even opens your mouth! A model is then made using what is known as a surgical guide.
A surgical guide is a template that fits over your teeth during the implant placement and ensures great accuracy. The implant is inserted and once checked, Richard will remove the guide and replace the implant.
More accurate means a better fit, better longevity and less chance of any problems arising. If you would like to find out more, call us on 01582 883929 or ask us at the practice.